Bartłomiej Dobosiewicz


Bartłomiej is an advisor to entrepreneurs from pharmaceutical, armament, automotive, chemical and construction industries. He is an expert in the field of labour law (dealing with such issues as restructuring of employment, collective redundancies, negotiations with trade unions), as well as economic criminal law.

He participated, among others, in the implementation of the collective redundancy process in an armament corporation, and in the process of acquisition of a chemical company. Appreciated by the management of legal departments of both Polish and foreign pharmaceutical companies.

Litigator and successful negotiator. He has authored numerous industry-specific publications, including the co-authoring of two textbooks in criminal procedure (published by Wolters Kluwer).


Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw (2005).

Legal (judicial) training at the District Court in Bydgoszcz (2005-2006).

Attorney training at the Bar Association  in Warsaw (bar examination, 2009).

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of UMCS [Maria Curie-Skłodowska University] (2008-2012).


  1. “Substitution and authorisation re-examined” [PL: “O substytucji i upoważnieniu raz jeszcze”], B. Dobosiewicz, [publishers:] Palestra 11-12/2009,
  2. Paweł Cioch: “Responsibility of the Treasury for Wrongful Convictions” [PL: “Odpowiedzialność Skarbu Państwa z tytułu niesłusznego skazania”] – a review, B. Dobosiewicz, [in periodical:] Państwo i Prawo 7/2010
  3. “Special and Separate Proceedings in Criminal Trials” [PL: “Postępowania szczególne i odrębne w procesie karnym”], B. Dobosiewicz, K. Dudka, B. Dudzik, J. Kosowski, E. Kruk, M. Mozgawa-Saj, P. Strzelec, edited by K. Dudka, Warsaw 2012,
  4. “Compensation for Wrongful Conviction, Pre-trial Detention or Arrest in Judicial Practice of Common Courts” [PL: “Odszkodowanie za nieszłuszne skazanie, tymczasowe aresztowanie lub zatrzymanie w praktyce orzeczniczej sądów powszechnych”], K. Dudka, B. Dobosiewicz, [publishers:] Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Warsaw 2012,
  5. “Criminal Proceedings. Case Studies and Proposed Solutions” [PL: “Postępowanie karne. Kazusy z rozwiązaniami”], B. Dobosiewicz, K. Dudka, M. Siwek, R. Skowron, edited by K. Dudka, Warsaw 2013,
  6. Publications: web portal



Tel: 609 263 081

Bartłomiej Dobosiewicz